Friday, April 23, 2010

My son's baptism

I never did get to post about this! My son was baptized a couple of months ago and it just warms my heart to know that my child walks with the Lord. Here is his testimony that was read just before he was baptized:

Name: Robert
Age: 9

How I came to faith in Christ:

A few years ago we saw the movie “Narnia.” After we got home I asked my Dad “Why did Aslan have to die?” He explained why, and then told me how Jesus died on the Cross for our sins. I asked Jesus to forgive my sins and come into my life. Since then I understand more about God through Promise Land [our Sunday School program] and Bible Memory Verses.

Why I am being baptized:

Jesus told us to be baptized because it shows everybody that I’m a follower of Jesus. I want to do what Jesus tells me to do in the Bible.

Here are some photos (edited to add that this is my husband who's baptizing him):

1 comment:

Ella said...

Praise the Lord Ann.